-- Dante Alighieri
(1265-1320) Italian Poet
A bit about Alighieri:
A place to show off what we are up to! To encourage each other to become more involved! To share info and resources you won't find on the 10 c'clock news! Contact me at: netxlc@gmail.com
From Mike Krieger of KAM LP
The Bill of Rights is a literal and absolute document. The First Amendment doesn't say you have a right to speak out unless the government has a 'compelling interest' in censoring the Internet. The Second Amendment doesn't say you have the right to keep and bear arms until some madman plants a bomb. The Fourth Amendment doesn't say you have the right to be secure from search and seizure unless some FBI agent thinks you fit the profile of a terrorist. The government has no right to interfere with any of these freedoms under any circumstances.
- Harry Browne
The inherent right in the people to reform their government, I do not deny; and they have another right, and that is to resist unconstitutional laws without overturning the government.
- Daniel Webster
It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.
- Samuel Adams
Rebellion Has Arrived in America
As most of you know, I spend almost as much time studying social changes and geopolitics happening around the world as I do studying markets. While carefully observing those areas are always important to a macro investor such as myself, when you are smack in the middle of a Fourth Turning they take on an increased level of importance. What has shielded the U.S. from a lot of the social strife sweeping the rest of the globe at the moment has been the U.S. dollar’s reserve status since this allows us to print seemingly infinite amounts of paper dollars and shove them down the throats of the rest of the world for their resources. This keeps the populace fat, happy and most importantly asleep and apathetic. Well I am pleased to announce that those days are OVER. The American populace is now in the very beginnings of a state of open peaceful rebellion against the criminal oligarchic mafia that runs the nation through fraud and corruption. The status quo is likely to become increasingly defensive as a result and may lash out aggressively like a cornered rat, but they cannot and will not win. They can only really win when they own your mind and that battle has already been lost. Six months from now the state of rebellion will have moved from just beneath to the surface to the forefront of everyone’s mind. It will be a peaceful and constitutional rebellion and it will end with new ways of doing things, more freedoms and a very long road toward rebuilding a safe, fair, free and localized society once TPTB’s prison planet grid of control has been torn down forever.
Occupy Wall Street
I will be the first to admit that I faded the whole idea of this “Occupy Wall Street” protest. I had already seen several failed attempts at protest in NYC come and go and I just sadly assumed the spirit of that once great city had died forever. I am extraordinarily happy to report that I was wrong. When I watched some video of police brutality at NYC protests this weekend I was stunned. Not because the cops acted like some mercenary storm trooper thugs, but because this protest that has started the week before still had momentum! Check out this link regarding what is going on. It has two must watch videos. http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=194965 The first one already has over 400k watches on youtube. This is the spark I have been waiting for and I am pleased beyond belief that it happened in Manhattan right where it should. How about this appearance of Cornel West at the protest on Tuesday. http://www.rawstory.com/rawreplay/2011/09/cornel-west-at-occupy-wall-str... I am proud of my old home today. This is a big deal. The serfs are coming together. Keep it up.
Most of you reading this right now are thinking that this is interesting but he is exaggerating and this will blow over. I am here to assure you that it is not and this whole thing is about to grow exponentially as the economy continues to stagnate and people climb the learning curve. Are you aware that the founder of Salon.com, David Talbot, is publicly calling for an “American Spring?” This of course is a reference to the Arab Spring, in which revolution swept across North Africa earlier this year and led to the collapse of the Tunisian and Egyptian governments and then major government bribes to the people living in the oil rich kingdoms. Mr. Talbot writes “In these increasingly hard times, Salon is dedicating itself to an American revival. Our editorial mission will become more explicitly and aggressively populist. We will be publishing more investigative pieces, exposing the shadow dance of power. And both Democratic and Republican targets will be fair game, since both parties are increasingly under the control of the same corporate forces.” His full piece is here http://www.salon.com/about/american_spring/index.html?story=/about/insid... You need to read it if you want to understand where all of this is headed. How about journalist Chris Hedges talking about “Occupy Wall Street” http://www.rawstory.com/rawreplay/2011/09/chris-hedges-occupy-wall-stree... We the people now understand it is not “rich vs. poor,” businessperson vs. teacher.” It is serf vs. oligarch. They are 0.1% and we know what they are up to. GAME ON.
Jaime Dimon Proves he is a Complete and Total Psychopath
I am not even going to write my own thought paragraph about how delusional and insane this man’s statements were the other day on banking regulations. Rather I will provide links to articles by people that have done a great job of exposing the absurdity of this parasitic oligarch’s comments. My favorite line by far on this is from fellow ex-Wall Streeter Nomi Prins who writes:
“There are few things more cringe-inducing than a government-subsidized bank CEO spouting self-serving, entitlement-laden idiocy to the world just because he and his bank might be subject to some extra constraints. That hasn’t stopped JPM Chase CEO Jamie Dimon from acting like a spoiled, sociopathic brat while characterizing proposed Basel III capital requirements and regulations as ‘anti-American’ at every opportunity. They are not ‘anti-American’ but globally risk-mitigating in a time of widespread economic Depression, a point lost in the haze of Dimon’s megalomania.”
Her full article is here http://www.zerohedge.com/news/guest-post-jamie-dimon%E2%80%99s-shameful-.... Precious metals hero and money manager Eric Sprott chimed in with this letter to the Globe and Mail. http://www.businessinsider.com/eric-sprott-jamie-dimon-letter-2011-9
Jaime Dimon is a real piece of work. It is as if he is asking for a custom made guillotine (metaphorically speaking of course as I do not condone violence in any way shape or form). At least Lloyd Blankfein had the sense to read the writing on the wall, shut up and hire an attorney.
So in conclusion, rebellion has arrived on America’s shores and it is about time. The moment is here for each of us to make important decisions. Save freedom and liberty or allow the oligarchs to enslave us and your children for generations. Peter Orzag recently wrote that “We need Less Democracy.” http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/magazine/94940/peter-orszag-democrac... This is what these guys are gunning for. Just think about who this “WE” he is talking about is.
And don’t kid yourself. Pretty much everyone on this list is a serf no matter how rich you are. Don’t kid yourself.
Peace and Wisdom,
"We've only got one politician who's willing to stand up for Christ, and that's Rick Perry."--Rich Bates, attendee at Gov. Rick Perry's "Response" prayer rally and day of fastingThe Christian Right, apparently having learned nothing from George W. Bush's disastrous reign, seems determined to appoint yet another political savior, this time in the form of Rick Perry, the Republican governor from Texas. Perry recently made headlines after he hosted a prayer rally endorsed and attended by such notable members of the Christian Right as the American Family Association (which financed the event); James Dobson of Focus on the Family; David Barton of Wallbuilders; megachurch pastor John Hagee; and Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. The rally was viewed by many as Perry's attempt to test the presidential waters with conservative evangelicals, who represent a sizeable voting bloc.
"I'll get on my knees and pray we don't get fooled again."--Pete Townshend, "Won't Get Fooled Again"
The setting here said everything: More than 33,000 people packed into Reliant Stadium, a 71,000-seat arena that also hosts rock bands. Three huge TV screens showed the onstage action to the people who crowded into the stadium's second level -- after they had gathered to wait while organizers opened those stands so everyone could fit. About 6,700 people got chairs on the stadium floor -- but spent most of the time standing, hands in the air, moving to the music and prayer coming from the stage. More than 1,000 crammed into an open space that organizers called "the mosh area" right down in front.Despite the fact that Perry insisted the event was not political but rather aimed at rallying the nation to a Christian unity during difficult times, the event, as the Associated Press points out, "gave him an important platform as he weighs whether to run for president." This is particularly important when you consider that evangelical conservatives make up a critical part of the voting bloc for Republican contenders. More than 28.8 million Christian conservatives--32 percent of all voters (the highest recorded percentage of any election)--turned out for the 2010 elections, with 77% voting for Republicans. Truly, the electoral might of the Christian Right cannot be underestimated.
While Bush drew an entire Frontline series on his faith and its role in his presidency -- and plenty of outrage from liberal groups for his religious beliefs -- he more often used "dog whistle" signals to let supporters know where he stood. There was a mention of "wonder-working power" in a State of the Union address, and a reference to a wounded traveler on the road to Jericho during his inaugural address. But Perry is different. "Rick Perry is a more overt kind of person, in his politics and his religion," said Response speaker Richard Land, the former president of the Southern Baptist Convention and a longtime Bush associate.There is, of course, nothing wrong with people gathering to pray for the nation. Nor is there anything wrong with the fact that Rick Perry, who is expected to throw his hat into the presidential race, is a Christian. The danger arises when Christians wrap their religion in the flag, so to speak. For the Christian, country and faith are never synonymous, and they are not two equal loyalties. As Christians in past regimes have found, identifying with the political establishment, as much of modern evangelicalism is doing, can present a grave danger--not only can the church become a useful tool for politicians, but the establishment can and often has become the church's enemy.
He's also more at home with the new brand of evangelical Christianity than Bush ever was -- in public, anyway. Raised Methodist in tiny Paint Creek, Texas, Perry used to attend the same Methodist church in Austin that Bush did when he was governor. But now he goes to a megachurch that, he told the Austin American Statesman, "dunks. Methodists sprinkle." George W. Bush's favorite hymn was "A Charge to Keep I Have" -- lyrics 1762, music 1832. Right before Perry took the stage on Saturday, the crowd rocked out to "Hear Us From Heaven" -- almost everyone was mouthing the words.
The 82nd Legislative session ends soon! We don't have much time!
Tell our Texas Senate to stand up and say NO to DC.
We made a last minute, whirlwind trip to Austin, I had to wait and see if donations came in to pay for the trip! I'm so glad we went. Besides speaking at the hearing we were able to meet with others working for our freedom and visit some legislator's offices.
After testifying I was approached by a member of Sen. Williams staff who assured me that those terrible REAL ID elements had been removed from the bill. I am distressed that they were even there in the first place - introduced and co-sponsored by Republicans. It's in the Rep party of Texas platform - they are against REAL ID. Some may say we were overreacting, but we have learned from past experience that anything can happen up until the eleventh hour and fifty-ninth minute. We have seen it with TxDOT and the Trans Texas Corridor (not dead and renamed) bills, amendments slipped in at the end that totally voided all our hard work. If they even thought about the implementation of REAL ID and random check points (this has come up in other legislation) then we needed to cry foul as loudly as possible - only then do we get their attention and help stem the tide of tyranny.
A gentleman spoke who came here from Ethiopia in the early 1940's, he fought for the US in WW2. He said he came to live in a free country and we aren't free anymore. He was very passionate and emotional as you can imagine. He is the perfect example of how others can see what's happened here, but too many of us native born Americans have become accustomed to it little by little like the frog in the kettle, we haven't noticed how hot the water has become.
If we don't stand up and say NO - the state as well as local and federal government will continue to bleed us dry and control us more and more, by littles.
Here are my rough draft comments I distributed to the committee members: I didn't have a chance to say much when testifying, I was rushed and interrupted by the chair, oh well, I did what I could. (I put these down quickly while getting ready to leave Monday night, didn't have time to polish and fine tune.)
Several reasons I oppose any legislation that brings us further into compliance with the Federal REAL ID ACT.
1. Unfunded mandates, the people can't take anymore increases in fees/taxes, etc.
2. Unlikely to help curb illegal immigration with our porous borders and welfare/public services/citizenship incentives, mainly it will serve to hassle and harass law abiding people.
3. Collecting finger prints of law abiding people is an invasion of privacy (I know this has been done for several years, and I protest it).
4. Check points for any reason other than road blocks for specific crimes/criminal suspects ie: man hunt - UNCONSTITUTIONAL
5. GPS tracking without court order - UNCONSTITUTIONAL
6. Federalizing state databases UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It is the duty of the state government to protect her citizens from the Federal government. Whether it's REAL ID, no child left behind or mandatory health care.
7. When will Texas stand up to DC and say NO to these encroachments? Do you realize that we are becoming a more and more controlled society? We are looking more and more like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. We aren't free. If you aren't part of the solution then you are part of the problem. You work for us, not the Federal government. You work FOR us, we don't work for you. In the testimony before the Senate hearing an assistant to the director of DPS/License bureau referred to us as customers. We aren't customers if we have no choice in whether we do business with you. We sure aren't customers if we can go to jail for refusing to do business with you. After the War for Independence can you imagine George Washington or Thomas Jefferson being stopped and checked for their papers or obtaining a license to ride their horse to town or church?
Yes, we live in very different times, but I put it to you that many of the evils we face are a result of government actions and more government actions will not solve the underlying problems. It's the classic Hegelian Dialectic. Cause a problem, provoke a reaction, and provide the solution. The real result is more and more tyranny.
Campaign for Liberty has 18,988 members in Texas. The overwhelming majority of our members oppose this legislation.
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~Benjamin Franklin
One fellow named John came to testify. He was wearing a t-shirt that said "TYRANNY - enough is enough". While going through security he made some comment about the technology used these days, the trooper didn't care for what he said, I suppose. He was detained and had his photo taken. He was late to join us and told us what happened. After we were done with the hearing we went to file a complaint with the DPS office there in the building. We traipsed into the supervisor's office - about a dozen of us. There is a video of it, I hope to see it posted somewhere soon. It was quite interesting, especially the fact that there was an "assault rifle" (I'm guessing that's what it was) propped up in a corner just inches from where my daughter ended up standing. (we were crowded in and some of us were in the doorway).
Another fellow with us was given a hard time by a trooper at the security check point over his hair style. One of our group later made the comment (paraphrased) "How do you like that? Coming into to your own house and being insulted by your hired doorman? " How inappropriate is that?
It was an interesting day.
For Liberty,