Monday, November 16, 2009

Debra Medina visits Greenville!!!!! Nov. 13, 2009

Saturday morning front page!!!!!
Debra hit the ball out of the park! Her message really resonates with the people.
She's one of us!!!! 90 people attended, she received a standing ovation.
People crowded around to buy campaign paraphernalia.
It was a good night!
Adrienne & Debbie McKee with Debra Medina
Deric Cribbs and Debra Medina
Pleas "the carpenter" McKee and Debra Medina
Debra Medina and Josh Collins

Debra Medina and Mark Hemberger
Debra Medina, Aja (Grassroots DVD producer) & Meesha?
Pleas & Debbie McKee and Read King the DFW campaign coordinator!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alaura and Friend~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Greenville Herald Banner reporter, Brad Keller and Mrs. Medina.
Glen Goldsmith (Commerce) and his Mom (Ladonia)
like Debra, and got yard signs!
~~~~~~~~~~~~90 people total~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Waiting for Debra to come from Love field on a Friday night!
She was only a few minutes late.
This event was brought to you by:
Cindy Paul and Ken Lehocky liked her too!
Hunt County's star campaign volunteers- Sander's Barber shop men:
Ricky Sanders & Mark Hemberger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB. We are praying we have as good a turn out.

~Chef Nancy