Monday, April 5, 2010

Taking a Stand

(my latest letter to the editor 4.5.10 - GHB in print & on-line )

We attended the “town hall meeting” arranged by our State Rep. Dan Flynn and the Texas Conservative Coalition in Greenville Thursday night.

Local activists had called the Hunt county GOP and wanted to have a meeting to discuss what we were going to do about the health care legislation. We don’t do that kind of thing, they were told. They then contacted our Rep’s office and would not give up until a meeting was arranged.

We are thankful his office and the TCC took the time and trouble to arrange the meeting and come out.

We received an email about the event (forwarded by others) with the following language: …..Town Hall Meeting to explore what Texas can do to restore liberty by rejecting the intrusive, massively-expensive ObamaCare reforms……“I welcome any and all to come to this meeting to voice their opinions regarding the federal healthcare legislation and to ask any questions about what Texas' plans and options are." ……Please attend this forum to help you remain informed and educated about plans to reject the unprecedented federal takeover of your health care. This event will provide you with an opportunity to participate in a discussion about asserting Texas' constitutional rights.

Many in attendance were sadly disappointed and frustrated. I didn’t look at my watch, but by conservative estimates we sat and listened to them tell us how bad the bill was and congratulate themselves on past victories for approximately 80% of the evening. The time for questions and comments was very limited. It was clear they didn’t intend to give us much “opportunity to participate in a discussion“.

The time spent on what Texas can do about this unconstitutional bill was about 2-5% of the presentation. If that. We didn’t hear much about rejecting intrusiveness, restoring liberty and asserting rights, wording used in the email/press release.

Their number one solution, and they spent the most solution time on this, was to elect enough Republicans to Congress in November so that we can Repeal and Replace. They also mentioned the lawsuit filed by the attorney general’s office. They barely even touched on flat out rejecting the legislation through nullification. They did say that the attorney general’s office was working on a bill they could file in January.

Many in attendance felt that January is too late. We should push for a strictly limited special session as soon as enough support is gathered. All over Texas people are pressuring their representatives and the governor for such. We want something done ASAP.

1. We cannot count on a super majority being elected in November, nor on them actually following through and repealing it (according to an article in the GHB on Sunday, March 28th, page A11, Republicans were for it before they were against it, so we could end up with something similar anyway).

2. We cannot count on the Federal courts to rule in our favor. They are the arm of the Federal government, the bully we are fighting. How many really think we will get a fair shake? Especially when one looks at all the other horrendous legislation and decisions they’ve upheld over the years.

3. And, we certainly have learned we cannot count on campaign promises. We want to see it happen BEFORE the election.

Texas needs to make a stand and NOT back down. The people need to know that our state government will protect us from this and much more past and present encroaching unlawful federal legislation. We aren’t alone, there are over 30 states working on ways to say NO to the feds. We are in such a mess because we did not stand up years ago. How long will we wait?

We are collecting signatures for a letter to Governor Perry, calling for a limited special session to nullify unconstitutional health care legislation. We will be hand delivering those to Austin in the near future. To do something on your own, visit these sites: and . Or email me for info and to receive updates on this and other important activities.

The Greenville Area Patriots (formerly the Greenville Area Tea Party) will hold a peaceful, public demonstration on April 15th focusing on this and other overreaching, unconstitutional Federal legislation and what we can do about it.
Call or email for more info. 903 862 2214
Debbie McKee


Anonymous said...

Good morning Debbie,

I really enjoyed your letter and this is why.

I have never read in my life, someone call the premise of the meeting an out right sham and lie as eloquently as you did.....YOU GO GIRL! LOL

The pen is indeed mightier than the sword and I would say you did a very thorough job exposing them for what they are.

I hope TCC/Flynn/Deuell offices are having a conniption fit this morning? LOL

Sorry for so many LOL's but I've been tickled all morning.

God bless and keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie.....
It would have been better to not have Dan Flynn involved and you might have had a better meeting.

Debbie McKee said...

Well, his office was nice enough to put it together. I didn't call, someone else did. We really thought we'd have a REAL town hall meeting. Fool me once......

Anonymous said...

Where is the backbone of the politicians in Austin? You really don't see any in my opinion. They need to take their nice suits off, roll up their sleeves, start swinging their fists, and build a barb-wire fence to keep these Carpetbaggers out! But they will only smile and tell the sheep what they want to hear. They are pitiful examples of Texans.