Thursday, May 10, 2012

Texas State Rep. District 2 debate/forum report

Well, we were very appreciative of TAMU-Commerce hosting this event Tuesday evening.  I was sorry to see such a small crowd, and many were from Hopkins county (which is new to the district).  I passed out my card and asked to be notified sooner of any similar events in the future.  It was the first of its kind.  Hosted by the African American Leadership Conference  and Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity.

I went into this with an open mind.  I didn't know much about George Alexander, having only seen him in one forum and met him very briefly once.  We helped get Dan Flynn elected when he first went to Austin and had supported him for many years.  I am always willing to take a hard look at those public servants who represent us.

 Mr. Alexander is not a polished politician.  That's refreshing. 

Mr. Flynn defended himself saying he wasn't a career politician, then asked us in his closing if we really wanted to send someone inexperienced to Austin?  Wasn't he inexperienced when he went a decade ago? 

Mr. Alexander did point out that Texas government spending has risen over 50% since Mr. Flynn took office.  AND we do have debt, our economic picture isn't as rosy as they would like us to believe.  I learned much of this when Debra Medina was running for Governor in 2009-10. 

Mr. Alexander admitted he didn't know everything and wouldn't pretend to.  He's a concerned citizen running for office to represent us. He has long time roots in the district.

Mr. Flynn listed his awards and recognitions from different organizations and his voting score with Empower Texans. (a side note that I think is funny...Flynn touts the Empower Texans score and Sen. Deuell discounts it.  I think we need to look at various issues and see how he's voted.  Also realizing that sometimes they support a bill knowing it will fail in the Senate and vice versa, so they can look good.  A lot of games are played in Austin.  It can be difficult to know what's really happening.  To get a fresh "outsider's view" check out  he was the freshman in the last session who really stood up for the people.  You can sign up for his email list.  He told us about getting called into the "principal's office" over his anti-TSA bill.)

Mr. Alexander mentioned  Mr. Flynn's record on some legislation  (for the TTC, against more transparency in the budget, against removiing the confidentiality of toll contracts, against managing control of our Texas environment, for the nursing home "granny tax" )  Some of these I was familiar with and others I was not. 

Mr. Alexander said that according to campaign finance reports Mr. Flynn has raised most of his money from special interests outside the district (around 1 Million in the last 10 years).  I confirmed this here:

The panel of journalists asked some really good questions.  I think it was all moderated very fairly. 

(GEUS videoed the forum held in Greenville on Monday night.  It might be available on the public access channel.)

To see more on each candidate:

I came across this website with lots of info.  Project Vote Smart

I hope this helps as you go to the polls starting Monday.

For Liberty and Justice for all,

Debbie McKee

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